Saturday, July 12, 2008


I know the bible says to "not be unequally yolked" and whether or not it is right to date someone while you are trying to witness to them is not the answer I am looking for. Isnt the important thing that I am trying to save the person in the first place? No matter the amount of time or how the situation looks I do not believe anything gives me a right to give up on a person. Today my parents kicked me out of the house because my boyfriend is not a Christian. However, I tried to explain to them that I was working on witnessing to him and he was showing progress. My father (who is a pastor) did not want to hear of it. He said that I should leave the "loser" alone and that he is not going to be saved. That I should give up. I might be wrong, but isnt that completely going against what God teaches? He doesn't say to witness to someone for a period of time then give up...he says to plant the seed and pray about it. Faith is nothing without how am I supposed to believe I will save him if I don't work at it? I'm not trying to justify what I did or prove my dad wrong, but it makes no sense to me.

1 comment:

Ben & Sara said...

you're right - you shouldn't stop working on someone, loving on someone with the Love of Christ, hoping for his/her salvation. and when people tell you to give up on someone, be encouraged in that it's not what Christ says. sometimes, when people don't want to hear about the Word, or about the Lord, we have to honor that, and just let it go...but as long as it's in your power to build someone up toward a life of Faith - do it!

the problem with "missionary dating" comes in this : if a person is lead to Christ during a dating relationship that is AWESOME, but when they break up (only IF they break up), the foundation of the relationship is gone...and usually that means a wiltering relationship with the Lord. it's like the parable of building your house on rock, not sand. on the same hand, the Christian in the dating relationship can sometimes be drained, even distanced from the Lord because of their relationship with a non-Christian. it just has a way of happening. know what i mean?

BUT, I know you - you are a strong woman. You know what's best in this situation, and if your heart of hearts says to push on...then sister, push on. Bless YOU for your faithfulness, for wanting to see a person come to Christ. i love you! i love your blog! i see that it's new - you're a great blogger!!